How To: Perfect Liquid Eyeliner

Everyone loves the look of a great cat eye, and nothing is more glamorous for the holiday parties than lush lashes and a thick liquid eyeliner paired with bright jewel toned lips. For those that are a little shaky when it comes to nailing the perfect eyeliner line we have broken it down to 3 easy steps. Watch our video and follow along, not only will you learn how to do perfect liquid liner every time, if using our LAshX Proliner, your natural lashes will get thicker longer and fuller with use.
Our LAshX Proline is 100% safe for extensions. It is also free of prostaglandin analogs, which have been in the news lately because of the law suit with Rodan and Fields. Prostaglandin Analogs are synthetic hormones that have many possible side effects. Our products are prostagandin free and instead utilize Peptides to root the hair with protein, stimulate keratin production and keep the lash in the anagen stage, or Growth Phase of the lash cycle, 48% longer. The result is longer, thicker and fuller lashes.
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