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How To Remove Your Own Lash Extensions During Quarantine
Learn how to remove your own eyelash extensions, the way professionals do. You DO NOT want to use coconut oil! Here is how the pros do it and you can do it the same at home to prevent lash damage.
Normally when people ask me how to remove their own lash extensions I explain how they should NEVER take their own lashes off because in most cases people get impatient and end up ripping off their own eyelashes in the process. As this quarantine goes on, however I understand that some of us just won't be able to keep blending those left over lashes. So here are the instructions on how to professionally remove them.

How To Maintain Lash Extensions with An Active Lifestyle
An Active lifestyle doesn’t have to mean more lash maintenance.
Working out keeps me feeling sane. I have been addicted to cycling lately and I also dable in barre method and yoga. So I understand the real struggle of wanting to get a good workout on but being afraid of loosing your lash extensions quicker.
There are steps you can take to eliminate the very real fear of sweating and ruining your lashes.

Protect Your Lashes, Learn What To Expect In A Professional Eyelash Extension Service

How To: Perfect Liquid Eyeliner

Top 10 Reasons Not To Clean Your Eyelash Extensions With Baby Shampoo
Top Ten Reason Not To use Baby Shampoo to Clean your eyelash extensions
As an avid eyelash extension wearer, a seasoned lash artist and an ingredient investigator, I wanted to share why using baby shampoo as an eyelash extension cleanser will not only lower your lash extension retention, it can also be unhealthy and lead to more sensitivity. So, here are my top ten reasons for not using baby shampoo to clean your lash extensions.

How To Properly Clean Lash Extensions
3 Easy Steps to long lasting, clean, healthy lash extensions!
We all know cleaning oils and bacteria off of our eyelash extensions can help them to last weeks longer, yet so many people are afraid just the opposite will happen. Every day I have lash clients tell me that they are afraid to clean their lashes, or that they feel cleaning the lashes actually makes the extensions fall off sooner.