Protect Your Lashes, Learn What To Expect In A Professional Eyelash Extension Service

Many of you have been asking what to expect from a professional Eyelash Extension service so we created this video walk through of what the experience will be like and what is really happening with your eyes closed. This in addition to seeing our newest curl - the O curl - in action.
We have all heard horror stories about eyelash extensions and the number one question I get as a lash artist is "Are lash extensions going to ruin my natural eyelashes". The answer is that natural lashes SHOULD get healthier with extension wear but many lash pros are still using toxic products and not receiving the correct training and with very little regulation and no standards of training its important to choose the the right lash pro.
Lash extensions are applied to the eye area and there is no reason to risk your health for a coupon deal. So realize you usually get what you pay for with lashes. Healthy products and trained pros cost a bit more. Remember that if someone is good at what they do they don't need to put themselves on clearance.
I hope this video helps you determine if you are going to the right pro before you risk your lash health!
Avoid going to any lash practitioner that does not do these steps in your appointment.
If you have questions feel free to call our lash line at 1-888-lashxla or 1310-855-3305. We love your comments below as well!